Danlist MORSØ, EFG Miter Machine E, Future Green

by Danlist

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  • Dust - Dust is getting a major issue around most factories, we can cut the wood, even hardwood without creating dust, and don’t use dust extraction.
  • Noise - The noise level is significantly lower (with the EFG there is absolutely no noise!) than the traditional double miter saw.
  • Accuracy - Not to mention that a 45 on a Morso is a perfect 45 – not 45,1 or 44,9 but 45 spot on. Most saws tends to have issues with vibration from turning blades, causing the cut on the saws to be a little out.
  • Safety - There are a number of old dangerous miter saws out there that needs replaced. Our dual hand release system makes it 100% impossible for the operator to cut himself. It is easy to cut your self on many many of the saws operating today…


MORSØ-E Future Green is a fully automatic, electric miter machine with a dual hand release. This makes the machine absolutely safe to operate as it is impossible to start the machine and touch the knives at the same time.
With MORSØ-E Future Green you achieve a clean, smooth cut as the workpiece is automatically cut twice as long as both push buttons are activated at the same time . The cutting time varies from 1 second and up, depending on the thickness of the workpiece. Having finished the cutting, the knife block automatically returns to the starting position.
The starting position is horizontally adjustable up to 60 mm (2.4’’). Maximum width of the workpiece is 100 mm (4’’). From a 60 mm (2.4’’) width, the MORSØ-E Future Green will automatically cut the workpiece bit by bit. The variable starting position is adjusted by a handle.
The vertical movement of the knives is also adjustable with three different heights. One for small workpieces, a second for medium-sized workpieces and a third for very thick workpieces (up to 180 mm / 7’’).

Double miter 45°
Single Miter up to 90°
Cutting width max. 100 mm (4”)
Cutting height max 180 mm (7”)
Measuring scale up to 1,500 mm (60”)
Motor three phase 0,55 kW
Net weight 135 kilos (298 lbs)

Single phase phase, 230 volt, including inverter


MORSØ-E Future Green is excellent for repetitive work, as it:
• is faster than a double miter saw
• leaves no dust behind
• makes no noise except for when the workpiece is cut
• cuts an exact and perfect 45° miter


MORSØ-E Future Green is delivered with:
• dual hand release
• safety guard
• sliding longitudinal stop
• a second stop
• measuring scale up to 1.500 mm (60’’)
• waste chute
• extension table on the left side
• adjustable fences
• adjustable and automatic rebate support
• adjustable hydralic clamping cylinders

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