J.C. Uhling HP 3000 Case Clamp

$24,595.00 USD
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  • Clamping Capacity 55″L x 96″H x 24″D
  • Clamping (4) Dual Pod Pressure Bars
  • 30 Second Set-up / Changeover Time
  • Heavy Duty Quality Construction
  • Manufactured in the U.S.A.

The HP 3000 is a very versatile quick and easy to use Case Clamp. Its clamping capacity is 55″ long x 96″ high x 24″ deep which allows for easy access and is large enough for multiple unit clamping. Its vertical configuration also makes it user friendly while requiring less floor space than any other clamp on the market. The HP 3000 is a terrific value and is our most popular unit.

Feature Benefit
 55″ Long x 96″ High x 24″ Deep clamping capacity.  Versatile wide range clamping envelope. Capacity can allow for multiple unit clamping.
Three (3) counterweight balanced and one (1)
stationary dual pod pressure bar.
Allows you to apply pressure directly over the joint thus resulting in a better joint. The counterweight balancing allows for a quick and easy set-up and changeover.
Roller bearing mounted carriage with pneumatic locks. Allows for a quick and easy set-up and changeover.
Heavy duty steel and quality construction. Allows for years of continuous trouble free use.
Front/rear pressure selection. Allows for years of continuous trouble free use.
 Front/rear pressure selection. Allows you to only apply pressure where needed enabling you to perform secondary operations such as installing your backs in your cases while they are in the Case Clamp.
Solid back support for all pressure bar settings. Allows for a quick and easy set-up and changeover.
Carriage mounted operators panel. Allows for quick access to controls.
Vertical design. Reduces floor space requirements thus reducing overhead. This configuration also makes it easier for the operator to use because he is working in an upright position versus bending over.
Clamps cabinets in upright position. Allows the clamp to be used as a work station if desired to install doors, hardware etc. thus reducing handling.
Simplicity and user friendliness. Reduces training, operator error and fatigue thus increasing productivity and improving employee moral.
25 second set-up/30 second changeover. Faster than any other clamp on the market resulting in less operator fatigue and more productivity.
Top clamping (optional). Allows you to perform two (2) axis clamping such as vertical partitions.
Custom manufacturing available. Allows you to purchase a clamp that will meet your specific requirements.
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