Festool Orbital Sanders

Festool Random Orbital Sanders for vertical, overhead surfaces, and general purposes. 


These compact sanders are designed for increased flexibility allowing for less fatigue.

Protection From Surface Marring

The pad brake protects the surface by quickly stopping the pad movement when starting and stopping. 

Sleeved Hose

Anti-static hose with integrated sleeve protects the surface and edges of the material being sanded. 

Different Strokes

The ETS 150 Sanders are distinguished by their stroke size; on for intermediate, and the other for super-fine sanding. With a 5/64" (2mm) sanding stroke, the ETS 125 produces exceptional fine and super-fine sanding results. 


Festool Sander 576028 Multi-Mode RO Sander 150 FEQ (For Fine Sanding/Polishing)- In Stock

Festool Sander 576028 Multi-Mode RO Sander 150 FEQ (For Fine Sanding/Polishing)- In Stock


The unrivaled original for more than 30 years: The ROTEX RO 150 with 3-in-1 – for coarse sanding, fine sanding, and polishing. Lighten the load of...

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Festool Sander 576032 Multi-Mode RO Sander 125 FEQ (For Fine Sanding/Polishing)

Festool Sander 576032 Multi-Mode RO Sander 125 FEQ (For Fine Sanding/Polishing)


This sander gives you everything Rotex has to offer in a smaller, lighter package. The RO 125 puts 500 watts of power, dual-mode sanding, and trip...

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Festool Sander 576263 Multi-Mode RO Sander 90 DX (For Fine Sanding/Polishing)- In Stock

Festool Sander 576263 Multi-Mode RO Sander 90 DX (For Fine Sanding/Polishing)- In Stock


The only professional sander that sands open spaces as easily as it conquers corners. How do you move seamlessly between rough sanding and final s...

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