RazorGage Cyclone 600 Upcut Saw


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 The Cyclone 600 Upcut Saw from Razorgage is one of the safest, most rugged and precise upcut saws on the market. Provides razor sharp cuts 20 inches wide with virtually no tear out.


The saw blade mounts directly to a 7.5 HP Baldor spindle motor that glides on machine tool grade, recirculating ball linear bearings for ultimate rigidity and simplicity. No belts. Intelligent Frequency Drive controls the saw blade RPM and requires no air logic to operate.


On the work surface, the patented Safe T Crowders improve safety. The operator can crowd stock against the fence while safely cycling the saw via thumb operated 2-hand anti-tie down buttons. There is a 16” fence & table surface, on both sides of the blade, allowing you to place your material on either side of the blade. The Top Clamp travels on linear bearings and is driven by its own cylinder so you can adjust clamping speed and pressure independently. Quickly adjust the top clamp height with flip stops.


On most upcut saws, it’s easy to cycle the saw without powering up the motor, compromising the integrity of the blade and spindle. The Cyclone 600 won’t cycle without motor power.

· Cuts materials up to 1" x 20" or 6" x 6".

· 16" fence & table surface on both sides of saw blade.

· Available with your choice of 2.5” or 6” tall fence.

• Patented Safe T Crowders improve safety.

• Electronic braking.

• Saw blade access panel bolt kills power & air when loosened.

• Direct drive. NO BELTS!

· Leveling pads are included and the design allows for easy floor anchoring.

Motor Specs: 7.5 hp (enclosed fan cooled) available in 208-230-460Vac 3-phase

Power Source: 230 VAC, 3 phase, 30 Amps 460 VAC, 3 phase, 20 Amps

Exhaust Port: Two 4" diameter (102 mm) requiring 600 cfm (17 m3 ) minimum for dry light materials. Other material may need higher velocity/pressure

Compressed Air: Requires 80 psi (5.5 bar) at 5 cfm (0.14 m3 ) air filtered to 2.5 microns (oil and moisture free). Use industrial air dryer, rated for cfm (CM) flow. No lubrication required for air components. Air must be lubricant free.

Motor RPM: Adjustable up to 3450

Arbor: 1.000 inch

500 mm Blade for Wood: 500mm x 120T x 1” Bore x 23°ATB/5°ASF x Plate .128 x Kerf .172

500mm Blade for Aluminum: O/D 500mm or 19.68” x Kerf 3.5mm or .137” x Plate 3.0mm or .118” x Bore 25.4mm or 1.00” x Teeth 140 D Type Tip Grade Sash Pro X Expansion Slots Five.

24" Blade for Wood: 24" Dia. x 144T x 1" Bore x 23°ATB/5°ASF x Hook 22° Plate.138 x Kerf.186

24" Blade for Aluminum: 24" Dia. x 200 Teeth x 1" Bore x TCG x Hook 6° Plate.138 x Kerf.174

Shipping Weight: 975 lb

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